Friday, June 02, 2017

SKINSCAPES // My Final Year Documentary

IMAGE / Masterpiece Tattoos 

People always ask me what did I actually do in college and I just always brushed it over and said 'oh Media and English'. When they ask for specifics, I just say a bit of everything. It actually got me thinking about what I have done this past academic year alone. Within my final year I've written a treatment for a film (which was the worst academic torture I have ever been put through), wrote my FYP on how young Irish individuals access and engage with news, learnt a lot about identity formation and the 'masses' and most significantly made a documentary. This was such a gruelling project but also a really rewarding one. Considering we had zero budget and managed to shoot and edit the piece within a month, I'm pretty pleased with how my final year documentary turned out. I think it's safe to say we were a group of crazy perfectionists, so we will never be 100% content. This was a group project and there is no doubt my team members are going to go on to great things within the industry. My main roles for the project were editor and researcher for the piece while also dabbling in a bit of everything else!

I had planned on doing a 'why college wasn't for me' piece with this article and link, but I think I'll save that one for when I graduate! It only two-ish weeks until I get my results, but in my University we don't graduate until October. 

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